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Test Report

A report is the result of the comparison of two states with one or multiple steps and contains all differences between these two states. It is a static artifact and can be viewed without the corresponding Golden Master. However, in order to approve changes, a Golden Master must be present.

A report can be viewed with either user interface review or recheck.cli.


The report is bound to the recheck version used during comparison. We currently offer no compatibility support between versions. If you need a report in a newer version, simply execute the test again with the new recheck version.


Per default, reports are located under target/test-classes/retest/recheck/, which can be changed with some configuration.


If you execute your tests on a remote system such as a CI server, you can enable the recheck's report upload. This will upload your report to rehub, so that it can be accessed and downloaded to view it.


A report is structured to represent the lifecycle of Recheck.

+-- Suite (1..n)
    +-- Test (1..n)
        +-- Check (1..n)
            +-- Difference (0..n)

This structure is also displayed in the generated output after a test execution to make it easy to identify the failing check and therefore the steps taken which lead to the reported differences.

Furthermore, all attribute differences are tied to an element, which is displayed with some important attributes:

type (retestId) at 'xpath'
    ... (some attribute differences)
  1. The type of the element checked. For recheck-web, this is equal to the HTML tag attribute.
  2. The generated retestId for that element to be used as a stable, virtual identifier.
  3. The xpath of the element. This is the recheck-compatible path of the element. For recheck-web, this is equal to the fully specified XPath and can be used within a browser to lookup the element in question.


There are several types of differences that can be encountered. Note that the example output is based of the recheck.cli.

Attribute Differences

An attribute difference indicates that an element's attribute has changed. This is the most common difference and may include every attribute that is extracted through a extension. For example, this could include text changes or changes from/to the default value of the respective attribute.

p (recheck) at 'html[1]/body[1]/header[1]/nav[1]/div[1]':
      expected="(default or absent)",

Element Differences

An inserted difference indicates that a new element has been added.

p (recheck) at 'html[1]/body[1]/header[1]/nav[1]/div[1]':
    was inserted

A deleted difference indicates that an element has been removed.

p (recheck) at 'html[1]/body[1]/header[1]/nav[1]/div[1]':
    was deleted

Metadata Difference

A metadata difference indicates changes in the metadata of a state. This is most likely due to the state being created on a different system or at a different time. These differences have no effect on the report and will be applied automatically. For a list of metadata, please refer to the state page.
  expected="Windows 10",


We capture every difference that occurs. This is to retain the changes history. However, too many changes can be overwhelming, so you can apply filters to ignore them. A filter is used for all captured differences, both element and metadata differences.


Easily import some provided filters for your recheck.ignore, for example: import: metadata.filter to ignore some volatile metadata.


Filtering does not get rid of the differences, we still capture them. However, filtered difference do not cause tests to fail and will be ignored by the user interfaces.

Maintaining Differences


A Golden Master must be present to approve changes from a report. If the Golden Master cannot be found (as indicated by the user interface), please make sure that the report is within the same project root as the Golden Master.

Differences can be maintained in two ways. Please refer to the respective documentation for the user interface on how to do so.

  1. Accept: The difference is expected or can be explained by changes done to the object under test. This will update the Golden Master with the new value(s).
  2. Ignore: If the element or attribute is dynamic or you do not care about these differences, they can be ignored and will be saved in the projects recheck.ignore.