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Execute the Test on a CI Server

The simplest way to execute our existing test case in a CI/CD environment is a combination of GitHub and Travis. Follow the previous description, in order to manage your project with Git and push it to GitHub.

Now we create an account with Travis at Travis is a CI/CD service provider that is free to use for open source projects. Once we log in using our existing GitHub account, we can see our GitHub repository. In order to have Travis execute our test case, we just need to add a .travis.yml text file (note the leading dot) with the following content:

language: java
dist: trusty

  chrome: stable
      - chromium-chromedriver

  email: false

    - "${HOME}/.m2/"

install: true

  # include ChromeDriver in PATH
  - ln --symbolic /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver "${HOME}/bin/chromedriver"

script: mvn clean verify

This file contains a simple configuration in YAML format, which tells Travis that we have a Java project that we want to build on a Ubuntu (Trusty) system. It also says that we want Chrome with ChromeDriver installed and in our path. Once we stage this file with git add .travis.yml, commit it via git commit -m "Add .travis.yml" and upload it to GitHub with git push, we should see our Travis build fire up.

Now we need to remove the following line from our tests:

System.setProperty("", "chromedriver");

As of the Travis configuration, the ChromeDriver is now on the path and thus its location does not need to be set explicitly. Once we again commit and push, the tests are now executed on the Travis.

Travis failing build

As you can see in the screenshot, the build fails because the test is now executed on a different operating system and a different device, revealing cross-device differences. Likewise, you can execute the test with a different browser, which would reveal cross-browser differences.

If you are using Google in your native language and that is not English, expect many differences as Travis will compare to an English Google page. Those differences can be accepted or ignored later on. Alternatively, you can explicitly request Google in English via

You can create rules to ignore these differences in a more sophisticated way.