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We use convention over configuration to configure the behavior of recheck. Thus unless your setup does not fit to the default mechanism, you should not have to configure anything.

Tools we use for code development, and thus are configured as the default:

Tools we do not (actively) use, but support:


If you feel that the tools you are using are not supported or lack support, you are welcome to implement or improve the support for the respective tool and create a pull request or create an issue.


The RecheckOptions are used to configure the behavior of Recheck or similar classes that may use a Recheck instance internally. They use the builder pattern and cannot be changed, once they are created (i.e. they are immutable).

RecheckOptions options = RecheckOptions.builder()
    // Do your configuration here


If the default or automatic systems does not fit your needs or produce the wrong results, you must specify the respective options manually.


The options can be easily passed to the RecheckImpl.

Recheckoptions opts = RecheckOptions.builder()
    // Do your configuration here
Recheck re = new RecheckImpl( opts );


All available Recheck instances should honor all available options from RecheckOptions.


Below is a list of the available options you may configure with corresponding methods on RecheckOptionsBuilder. Please refer to the detailed sections below.

All options annotated with "Evaluate" below will be queried with the creation of the RecheckOptions instance, either retrieving (by the methods described), instantiating or loading the proper value.

Option Default Description Evaluate
namingStrategy ClassAndMethodBasedNamingStrategy Defines the name for the phase of the lifecycle.
projectLayout null (ProjectLayout) Defines where the Golden Masters and reports are located.
If null recheck will try to automatically detect the respective layout (e.g. maven or gradle).
suiteName null Overwrite the name for the suite.
If null, NamingStrategy#getSuiteName() is used.
reportUploadEnabled null (boolean) Upload reports to rehub.
If null, the property de.retest.recheck.rehub.reportUploadEnabled is read.
ignore recheck.ignore Set the filter used for reporting the differences after a test phase.
See examples below.
retestIdProvider DefaultRetestIdProvider Defines the generator of the virtual identifier.


This is an example using all available options. Note that the classes used may not be present and therefore need to be created manually.

        .namingStrategy( new ClassAndMethodBasedShortNamingStrategy() )
        .projectLayout( new GradleProjectLayout() )
        .suiteName( "my-custom-suite-name" )
        .addIgnore( "MyCustomIgnore.filter" )
        .retestIdProvider( new UUIDRetestIdProvider() )

Locating Files

Per default, we assume a Maven project with JUnit. The files are located under the following folders:

  1. Golden Masters: src/test/resources/retest/recheck/
  2. Reports: target/test-classes/retest/recheck/

You may change the location of files using a custom ProjectLayout or define the name using a custom NamingStrategy as described in the lifecycle.


The suiteName is evaluated to provide a consistent name for the RecheckOptions. The automatic system does not work with some usages (e.g. inheritance) and thus require a custom suiteName to be defined.

Upload Reports to rehub

When executing your tests on a CI, it may not be straightforward to access the created reports. For this we offer a way to upload your reports to rehub so that you can easily update your Golden Masters.

If the upload of the report fails (e.g connectivity issues, timeout, ...), recheck will restart the upload, favoring reports with differences.

  1. If there are no differences: The upload is only attempted once, ignoring any errors so that they do not lead to test failures.
  2. If there are differences: The report upload is restarted if any errors occur during the upload. If the upload fails repeatedly, the causing error is logged and reported to the test framework, causing the test to fail. The maximum upload attempts can be controlled with the property de.retest.recheck.rehub.upload.attempts.


The upload or re-upload of the report is aborted after 5 minutes after the initial upload request.

Using Filters

Per default, we load the recheck.ignore files as specified in filters. Thus, the suiteName is a required dependency to be evaluated before, so that the filters are loaded from the correct Golden Master.

If you want specify additional filters (e.g. your custom project filters), you may use their full name (e.g. "MyCustomIgnore.filter"). There are several methods to add, update or disable filters:

  1. RecheckOptionsBuilder#addIgnore( String ): Will append a filter.
  2. RecheckOptionsBuilder#setIgnore( String ): Will overwrite the filter.
  3. RecheckOptions#ignoreNothing(): Will remove all filters.


recheck offers some properties that can be used for configuration. You can either set these via the .retest/ file or using actual system properties. (Note that the latter overwrites the former.)

# If true, reports will be uploaded to rehub.
# "true" or "false".

# Retry attempts to upload reports to rehub if initial upload fails
# Any positive integer

# Always ignore these attributes, even if no ignore or filter is active.
# Any string, separate values with ";".

# If set, recheck will use this path as the project root (containing e.g. the .retest folder).
# Any valid absolute path.

# Minimal match threshold between old and new element to safely assume it's actually the same. 
# Any double in the interval [0.0, 1.0].

  1. Note that JUnit and TestNG is supported by default through ClassAndMethodBasedNamingStrategy